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Tag: pairing

Cheese: a preview, and why you should host a party

I love cheese. I love cheese and wine. And now, I even love cheese and beer. Let me explain: I popped by Whole Foods for a preview of some of the cheeses they’re having at the American Cheese Society’s Festival of Cheese here on August 8–Marshall wrote about it here. Long story short, the main…

Twin Liquors jumps on the Spec’s/Grapevine Bandwagon

Which isn’t a bad thing. Turn shopping for liquor/beer/wine into shopping for the aforementioned plus cheese/crackers/gourmet food/chocolate and you’ve got yourself a whole afternoon–especially if it’s Friday and samples abound (hi, me, tipsy at Spec’s). The new 15,000 square foot Twin Liquors Marketplace will be in the Hancock Center, just ripe for UT students. The…

GO TEXAN Restaurant Round-Up

As if October wasn’t full enough of reasons to eat out–it’s Texas wine month, features two $35 Restaurant Weeks–the Texas Department of Agriculture is sponsoring a Go Texan Restaurant Round-Up tomorrow (Wednesday) to raise awareness of Texas foods while also donating proceeds to food banks across the state. Participating restaurants are offering Texas food and…