you are my celebrity

Tag: no

No; But So Much Yes

I am crushing hard on Meghan Trainor’s ‘No.’ SO OF COURSE since I also love Britney, I could not have been more excited to discover a mashup of “No” and B’s “Overprotected.” Here is that slice of heaven: Happy humpday.

It’s HOT! My legs AND the temp

You know you’ve been away from Austin, Texas for far too long already when an 82-degree day feels sweltering. I need to get back to my hometown for a good dose of triple-digit reality. In the meantime, here’s the WOD I’d call the Hot Legs and Abs WOD, because everything in it engages leg and…

Big Friday!

In honor of the recession, do free things tonight (at least until 10): Happy Hour Pre-Party thing at do512: 10th Anniversary Party at Shiki on Second Street 6-10pm celebration with drinks, food, DJ, and giveaways! Come to Shiki and shop!

Cheap/Free No Eating/Drinking Activities

These are some tough criteria! But I’ve been pondering this for awhile, ever since I trekked to SIX lounge for a cute guy I met who bartends there. “Going out” is easy. Everyone does it. So you can conceivably arrange to meet organically, with minimal effort, while you’re out. Or at a restaurant. It’s low-commitment,…