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Tag: night

Rock ‘n’ Swap

When I was in middle school, I organized a clothing swap for three friends and myself. Unfortunately, I was a rad 5’9″ in 8th grade, and the rest of the girls, well, weren’t. So they might have scored some sweet new threads for free, but I don’t remember any great takeaways. However, this has not…

Girls Night at the Gallery

Get culture, gems, and buzzed all in one place: what could be a better girls night than that?! Art on 5th is hosting a new series of female-focused events, held once a month at its new The Art of Jewelry, a boutique exhibit thing featuring artistically-crafted jewelry designs of artisans from Austin and across the…

Party at the Trailer Park

6:30 to 9pm Holiday Preview at Trailer Park home for the holidays! Torchy’s Tacos, Holy Cacao, and Man Bites Dog invite you to groove to DJ Chicken George while sipping Liquid S’mores made with complimentary Dripping Springs Vodka and 1921 Tequila and try Holy Cacao’s 12 DAYS OF CHOCOLATE Cake Balls! 10% of sales for…

Bad Seed Garden Party Sunday

Totally apropos! Just found out today is America Recycles Day, which is the perfect segue into the news about Bad Seed Promotions’ Garden Party, which was created to bring some attention and support to Austin’s urban and DIY gardening community. It’s a Roarin’ 20s theme (think Gatsby, feathers, boas, flappers, pearls, jazz, white suits) with…

I Don’t Know Jack About Music

Remember that early ’90s computer game “You Don’t Know Jack About Sports!” where you had to answer trivia or the game yelled at you? And then it spiraled into other “You Don’t Know Jack About ____” bananas, coffee, snowballs. Whatever. I don’t claim to be a music critic, or even afficionado (except when it comes…

Sometimes, even you can’t charm your way in

OK, so we normally quest for the free: free swag, free food, free booze. But sometimes, even the craftiest and sneakiest and in-the-knowiest have to pay to play at the events with the best swag, food, booze … or maybe the feel-good feelings you get donating to a good cause give you the kind of…

Man Shops Globe / You Hang Out in Your Neighborhood

Talk about a dream job … this dude travels around the world, picks out cool stuff for Anthropologie stores around the world, and now they’re filming him doing it. “Man Shops Globe” debuts October 7 on the Sundance Channel. October 6, Anthropologie at 601 North Lamar Blvd is hosting a preview party from 7-9pm with tons…

Teacher Thursday: The Lennings

When adorable drummer Ross, huband of blogger at last week’s Bleet Up, started telling me about his band The Lennings and how they have this great new EP, Geographic Tongue, I gave him my familiar line: “sounds cool, but I don’t really cover music unless it’s got another angle to it, or I think it’s…