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Tag: newspaper

Austin Post Goes Real Time

I’m constantly evangelizing about Austin Post – an online newspaper by, of, and for the people – where anyone can post, comment, vote, etc. At its finest, it’ll be totally edited, reported on, and curated by its readers. (It’s totally not there yet, but it will get there) Anyway, today Austin Post announced its Real…

Volunteer for Christmas!

An article in the Statesman today, Charities Suffering in Ailing Economy, focuses on how charities are suffering in this slow economy, especially with cash donations. It cites some scary statistics (“Contributions to the American Red Cross of Central Texas have decreased nearly 50 percent”?!?!) but also goes on to say that there are some bright…

Glossy 8 Party

The Statesman’s style writers are all abuzz about the Glossy 8 party tonight. I’m hoping that means plans are huge and it should be awesome! It’s the first time since I’ve been tracking down Austin events (about 2 years now) that I’ve heard about the Statesman throwing a party, so maybe that’s the buzz. Whatever…