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Tag: networking

Tuesday Networking

AIMEN (Austin Internet Marketing Entrepreneur Network) is hosting their monthly mingling happy hour at Six Lounge Tuesday night. The group is generally for copywriters, graphic designers, coders, geeks, stay-at-home blogger-moms, and anyone into the internet, really. Love the later time, it allows for a workout between work and networking! Six Lounge Mezzanine Tuesday, 7 –…

Thursday: Steak or Fashion?

Steak You might say the answer to that question divides along gender lines, but really, it’s a toss-up for me. Houston legend Perry’s Steakhouse and Grille hosts a Grand Opening dinner Thursday night with four courses and wine pairings from the restaurant’s exclusive private label. The restaurant is in the Norwood building where a bank…

Networking Tonight & Tomorrow

The Austin Internet Marketing Mixer sounds cool: laid-back mingling with other internet-savvy types, exchanging business cards, meeting new people. Don’t know much more about it … if you go, report back to me! Tonight, 7-9:30pm @ Six Lounge (4th & Colorado) Tomorrow: Texas Exes Austin Young Alumni Group Happy Hour Wednesday, October 15 from 5-8pm…

Wine and Women

You know how we can never find anything cool to do on Tuesdays? Cameron Hughes wine (do you know their story?) and Austin Woman magazine are hosting a networking event at Land Rover this Tuesday featuring Jessica Kogan, one of the founders of Cameron Hughes wine. From 6-8pm, the event features tons of networking opportunities…

Nerd Alert: New Google BROWSER

Hey-o! Sometimes my nerdy side comes out and I get really excited about techy things, like the new Google browser! It’s an open-source browser called Chrome that beta-launched today and for Windows only–booo! So far, the reviews have been good, and I can’t wait for my chance to test it on my Mac! Right now…

Coworking– it’s all the rage

I know not everyone out there freelances, and not everyone who freelances wishes for coworkers. I am a freelancers but don’t wish for coworkers at all, actually, as I enjoy working by myself. BUT it is fun to be around other creatives and in a work environment, hence the nationwide co-working trend. The other night…

New Austin beer! 512 Brewery

(512) Brewing officially released its first beers, the WIT and the Pale, into the wild today! The (512) WIT is available now at the Draught House Pub and Brewery on Medical Parkway. The (512) PALE is currently available at Uncle Billy’s Brew & Que on Barton Springs Road. If I didn’t have so many events tonight and…

Networking: The Outlaw List + Mashable

So I went to an Acton MBA luncheon Friday (the entrenpreneurial MBA, they say), and I met some cool people, one of whom runs a list for young professionals called The Outlaw List. His last name is seriously Outlaw–how cool is that? Anyway, the list is all about networking–apparently Mr. Outlaw himself is a networker…

Networking on Wednesday

So this Wednesday night at Pangaea is Net Party, a partying/networking hybrid. Not that it sounds all that different from normal networking functions to me, except that it draws a different sort of crowd. Apparently it’s quite the singles scene, as well, so business cards are exchanged as much for dates as they are for…

Networking happy hours

As I have experienced the business world–and do take into account that my business is the media–I have come to the conclusion that it is almost entirely about who you know. That said, if you know someone but the quality of your work is shoddy, it won’t help you at all. But frankly, if you…