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Tag: mountains

Austin & Aspen: Courtney—Get This—Sames

Samesies! How many times have you said that comparing two things that are the, well, same? I love drawing parallels between Austin and Aspen, so you can imagine how tickled I was to get an email from Courtney SAMES, photographer from Austin, who was headed to Aspen to spend the summer. Samesies! Turns out, Courtney…

Aspen: Yoga Rocks the Mountains July 16-18

There’s yoga, music, camping, dancing, delicious food … what isn’t to love about Yoga Rocks the Mountains, this weekend in Snowmass? Yoga Workshop Schedule (full schedule here) … I’m just listing the classes with Aaron, my instructor at King Yoga, who I LOVE and who trains Lance Armstrong, so even if I didn’t ALREADY think…

And then I ran a half marathon

… and I have no idea why anyone puts themselves through it! I made the 13.1 miles (or 13.5, say some people with GPS) of the Aspen Valley Half Marathon in just over 2 hours, keeping an 8:30 pace for the first three miles, dropping to a 9 to 9:30-minute pace the next nine, and…