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Tag: miles

Free Taco Run! Saturday morning

FREE Saturday TACO RUN! It takes a lot to get me out of bed before 8 am. Ever. But on a Saturday? Damn near impossible. But IF I’m going to run 7 or 10 miles, running it with a group might be the way to go. So I suggest Rogue’s Free Taco Run. The scoop:…


I’ve been mulling over buying a scooter. We all know I’ve tried to be eco-friendly, but the biking was more funny that practical. Plus, for a fashionable gal, it’s just not practical in the summer heat–I can’t show up everywhere with helmet-hair and sweat stains! Perhaps a Vespa would keep me cooler …  But alas,…

Nike Human Race

The Nike Human Race has gotten a lot of coverage, especially locally because Austin is one of just five North American cities and one of 25 cities across the globe to host one. Nike expects 1 million runners to participate in this worldwide 10K on August 31. I signed up today–I’ll be one of those…