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Tag: marathon

Aspen: Golden Leaf Half Marathon

I had full plans to run the Vasque Golden Leaf Half Marathon, named by Trail Runner as one of “America’s 14 most scenic races”, which gains 970 feet in elevation on a narrow, winding singletrack before peaking out at 9,400 feet above sea level … but then I ran the Aspen Valley Half Marathon in…

And then I ran a half marathon

… and I have no idea why anyone puts themselves through it! I made the 13.1 miles (or 13.5, say some people with GPS) of the Aspen Valley Half Marathon in just over 2 hours, keeping an 8:30 pace for the first three miles, dropping to a 9 to 9:30-minute pace the next nine, and…

Aspen: Aspen Valley Half Marathon [updated with humor]

Things I signed up for today: the Aspen Valley Half Marathon. Things I haven’t trained for: the Aspen Valley Half Marathon. Things I am nonetheless excited about? You got it. The race is almost all downhill, on easy gravel terrain, and it’s going to be a gorgeous, cool Saturday morning (at the ungodly hour of…

Friday Night Benefit at Tiniest Bar

Starting at 7pm Friday night, Team Spiridon, a local training group, is hosting a benefit concert at Tiniest Bar for empancipet and the Dick Beardsley Foundation–couldn’t decide between animals and people, I guess? Lovers of music, animals, and running will come together for a night inexplicably called Night of the Moustache, featuring a benefit concert…


I normally just post rumors on the sidebar over there, but this one is too juicy to relegate to the sidelines: Paul Petersen, legendary chef at The Gage Hotel in Marathon (full disclosure: I covered him in a 2007 article in Texas Home & Living) is rumored to be opening a restaurant in Austin called…

The Worst Run of My Life

I attempted a 12-miler on Saturday morning and thought I was going to pass out on the side of the road, as my stomach was ripped out of my body by three fists grabbing and twisting it until it snapped. Or because I ate a big egg-white omlette with ground beef and turkey bacon and…

Argh Running

I’m experiencing more ambivalence about this half marathon business. My 3-miler was tough and slow today, I just didn’t have the energy. Damn low carb. But I’m getting more used to it, and it’s becoming easier, as any diet does. I did have a drink or two last night–hard liquor only, of course, as it…


My feet are messed up. I’m training for the Austin Half-Marathon on February 17. I am a runner … but I hate running the majority of the time. I happen to be naturally gifted with endurance and speed, but running has always been something I do to get in shape for something else. I’ve never…