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Tag: magic

SXSW 2009: Thursday’s Schedule

This is the final “calm” before the storm that is Friday & Saturday. And by calm I mean over 80 FREE parties. Right. So, my top 5 today: 1. Paste Magazine, obvi. Still lovin’ the Magic Hat. Brooklyn Vegan co-sponsors this one. 11:30-7, Radio Room 2. All That Sparkles – Glitter party? Noon-8pm, Malverde (mmm…

SXSW 2009: What to Do Wednesday

Today is the first BIG day of day parties, so cube-dwellers can read along jealously for all the fun everyone else will be enjoying: There are two big day parties, two day parties that will be running all week, and one evening-ish boat party that I recommend today: 1) MAGIC HAT BEER PARTY! Oh, I…

So you want to go to happy hour?

Because I’m thinking of it today. Gingerman Through my exhaustive (and exhausting) SXSW research, I stumbled upon a party serving Vermont’s Magic Hat beer–to which I got super-excited, Twittered about, turns out Magic Hat is ON TWITTER, found me, and let me know that they actually already distribute Magic Hat down here! So some research…