you are my celebrity

Tag: love

Denali | Feel Good Friday 111116

Who rescued who? Denali was sick this week—and that turned me into a crazy hypochondriac mom who was certain she had cancer—but she is on the mend and healthy and I am so incredibly grateful. Despite her skittishness and other issues, she’s an incredibly easy dog. And she is SO full of personality … Grateful…

#GRATITUDELIST | Feel Good Friday 081916

This week was all about being who I am, and staying true to that/me. Who I am is a particularly hard sentiment to hold on to when insecurity rears her ugly head, my own head putting me in situations that leave me feeling like I’m not enough. In those situations if I can get back to…

PO, Two Shoes, and Stars

In my short life, I’ve experienced a lot of death, both of major people in my own life and in my friends’ lives. I don’t know if this is a self-selecting group or odd coincidence. I met this girl not even a year ago, and we were instantly close. She lost her husband two years…

I’m Happy.

My startup website turns three years old today! The plan was hatched as Nali and I were living in a 200-square-foot room in a B&B in Aspen, the website was formed and developed in my most favorite apartment ever in Aspen, and the site strategy, content, and audience continued to grow as I moved…

Feel Good Friday 112114

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments… NEW BIKE!!!! I got wheels again!! VB with friends Great positive feedback on this…