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Tag: leaves

Ute (Oooooh-tay)

Ute has easily been my favorite go-to hike this summer and fall. It’s just so convenient, quick, and rewarding. Nali and I sprinted in intervals up it today, over a yellow brick road of fallen aspen leaves, collapsing on the rock at the top. Amazing. this view, about 2/3 of the way up, is one…

Brrrrr! Let Thursday Events Warm You Up!

As usual, Thursday night is busy this time of year! A smattering of the offerings: Do512 Holiday Campfire ‘Tis the season for holiday festivities, and Do512 is lighting up the campfire to roast marshmallows and enjoy private performances by The Lemurs and Via Audio. There will be s’mores, eggnog, and plenty of adult beverages. It’s…