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Tag: ladies

Feel Good Friday 112814 Thanksgiving Edition

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week! Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments… Football tourney fun! It’s all for the kiddies … wine night fun after…

BFFs love free stuff!

I can’t decide what to be excited about the most: a) Boy Band Karaoke (Quit Playing Games with My Heart was the first single I ever bought. Walmart, $1.99) b) Goodie bags!!!! c) $5 blowouts (gawd I love salon hair … Pink Salon!) d) Embellish Nails! (why am I so obsessed with them?) e) Girly…

Now, a Diatribe on White Pants*

*And other fashiony things I need to get off my chest It’s really hot in Austin, I know. A “cold front” came through tonight and we all got excited because it dropped to 80, but by the time I’m walking around downtown at noon tomorrow, it’ll be 1,956 degrees again and I’ll be sweating through…

Girly Movie Night in the Park

So I’ve been talking about free, non-drinking things to do, and I discover this round of Movies in the Park. It makes me laugh, though, because it’s the first I’ve heard of extraordinarily girly movies being shown in parks. Normally movies that appeal to both sexes are the ideal, but I guess we’ll see if…