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Tag: kitchen

Austin: Snap Kitchen Update

Snap Kitchen. Everything about it is so right. The store – you walk in to an airy, all-windowed place with bright green floors, bamboo counters and tables, white plastic chairs, and bright orange accoutrements. There are no walls, save some muddled clear walls defining a main office and registered dietician’s office. That’s right–there’s a full…

Snap Kitchen

In Austin, we’re all busy, we’re all super active, and we’re all worried about our health. Sure, we love our queso and margaritas and gourmet doughnuts and cupcake trailers, but on the regular we like to eat right. Snap Kitchen is a new chef-prepared, healthy take-out food concept that is opening not one, but TWO…

Cookie Lounge – Hello Candied Serrano Pepper

Candied serrano peppers. Sure, the dough is good, the customizing thing is good, the choices are good … yeah, Cookie Lounge is good. But the candied serrano peppers make the place great. They make your cookie fantastic. I had the gluten-free dough, which is made with amaranth–an ancient grain that’s so super good for you.…

Review: The Grove Wine Bar / Kitchen

It was my first food-induced coma. A friend and I went to The Grove Wine Bar / Kitchen for a leisurely lunch today. It’s a new wine bar/restaurant just west of the corner of 360 and Bee Caves, on Bee Caves. It has an awesome patio with huge tress shading the entire thing–hence the name…