you are my celebrity

Tag: kettlebell

Around the Fitness Horn: Vanessa Hudgens CrossFits!

Vanessa Hudgens does a pretty sweet kettlebell workout AND works out CrossFit style. If that ain’t mainstream (hello High School Musical), I don’t know what is. Are You Elite? Elite: On the floor after a workout flopping around like he is having a seizure. Not Elite: Still wearing a shirt. Elite: Training at a gym…

Snatch Max

Big Mike, who is virtually coaching me while I’m gone, sent me the following combo .com WOD (a combo of Saturday + Sunday’s): 10 min time limit, 1 Rep max Snatch Max: 92 lbs amrap in 8 min 4 HSPU (green bands) 8 KB Swings (20 kg) 12 GHD Situps (regular situps) Score: 5 rounds…