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Tag: hill

Makers and Wakers and Fat Tires, oh my!

So it’s a big weekend, like you didn’t know (um, hello Texas vs. Missouri). But in case you missed the, well, boat on three majorly huge weekend-long events, here’s a rundown: Maker Faire – Saturday & Sunday So the Maker Faire expo thingy is a big crafty, makery, nerdy, trendy, roboty shindig. At the Travis…

Sept 1 &2: TV Premieres! <3 Gossip Girl

GOSSIP GIRL. Best show ever. OMG. Huge girlcrush on Blake Lively, and before she was ever known as Serena; I loved her as Bridget in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Love her. Love Gossip Girl. Alamo Drafthouse Village is showing the premiere at 7:00 on the BIG SCREEN! Sweet. One Tree Hill premieres afterward, at…

Lululemon Yoga Potluck

So yoga-clothing store Lululemon is having an event celebrating healthy living and eating! It’s a healthy potluck, with snacks brought in from Castle Hill Fitness Cafe (delish but expensive, though they’re free here) and hopefully some dishes by yoga-loving Austinites! Stop by anytime between 2 & 5 pm. You can also go to lululemon (3700…

Austin Wine Festival

I went to the inaugural Austin Wine Festival last year at Republic Square Park and it was incredibly well-run for being in its first year. This year, it moves to The Domain, which bums me out, because the downtown location was a neat touch. BUT being at The Domain affords them other opportunities, like setting…