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Tag: halloween

Halloween Haunts: Where to Get Your Spook On

I’ve been remiss in not posting Halloween to-dos sooner, but Halloween, like other big holidays, just wears me out sometimes. I LOVE LOVE LOVE costumes, but I like themes. I like to get creative on a theme, not just have the whole wide world as possibilities–it’s just too much. Anyway, here are some Halloween haunts…

Happy Birthday Jo’s! + a veggie sandwich update

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s Halloween. I ended up dressing as Sarah Palin … so didn’t want to, but after four different and unrelated people suggested it, in the end I couldn’t resist. Especially since I owned everything needed except the fake glasses, so how much easier can you get? Anyway, plenty of lists exist for…

Mansion of Terror: Danger Hellaphant

Last night, a team of us (okay, just me and two guys–gotta protect myself!) went to Mansion of Terror, the haunted house that’s billed as the scariest in Austin. And the #8 in the nation. Or the #1 by Lions Gate Films. Who knew film companies rated haunted houses? Anyway, it’s good. So good that…

I’m a Halloweenie

Last year I couldn’t think of anything clever enough, so for Halloween I went as my dog. She’s white with a huge black spot on her eye, so I wore all white, painted a huge black spot on my eye, and wore her collar and leash around my neck (at least people got a kick…

Haunted Pub Crawls Galore!

TWO Haunted Pub Crawls?! There’s one Saturday and Sunday, so pick your poison or scare yourself silly and go to both: Saturday: Haunted House Pub Crawl There are two main draws to the Haunted House Pub Crawl: Mansion of Terror (supposed to be the scaries in Austin) and drinks on the bus. $50 ticket includes:…