you are my celebrity

Tag: gratitude list

Spring Break | Feel Good Friday 031822

After an absolutely soul-crushing work week last week, this week has welcomingly slowed down as many of my colleagues are on spring break with their kids. The much-needed breathing room allowed me to catch up on some things that needed doing, and I’m so grateful for that extra time. Now just imagine if I needed…

Free Range | Feel Good Friday 020422

**I am publishing this as written on Friday even though it’s Monday …** I’m free range! Off crutches! Allowed to start trying a shoe with heel lifts! Life is amazing! Hahaha perspective changes are crazy right? Like two months ago I’m angling for squatting gainz and sprint speeds, and now I’m stoked on the goal…

Porch Sitting | Feel Good Friday 012121

Things I love and am grateful for in no particular order: Whiskey Business … I may have torn my achilles for that team but damn do I love them Surprise flowers Thursdays Cold front! Tailgating a photo shoot = picnic in the park Football-watching After parties Fires in the fireplace Great red wine Close family…

Deliver Allll the Things! | Feel Good Friday 010721

Whew how ’bout that vulnerability yesterday, huh? Yikes. Positive feedback though, and I’m glad I posted it, even if it elevated my anxiety level. Lattes à la dada … literally this is the greatest thing to come out of my achilles tear surgery. My father delivers a delicious raw milk latte to me every. single.…

The End of A Year | Feel Good Friday 123121

There were many ways I saw this year ending: me having broken in my badass new skis over Christmas in Park City, me booking a last-minute tip to Tahoe or Mammoth to capitalize on the insane 10-foot dumps of snow northern Cal has received, me taking a silly Taos-Santa Fe trip on a semi-PJ, even…

Game On! | Feel Good Friday 120321 lol 121021

My original post was around this idea that the games are all on but truthfully that here only sort of on… GAME ON with this website! And dailyhap and lyssart and except not bc we’re still in WSOD purgatory and writing this FGF gratitude list on my phone.GAME ON with capture the flag except…

Site’s Down | Feel Good Sunday 112121

Y’all. It has been a minute. This here blog has been up for close to 14 years, since 12/27/07. It has never been down for more than hour, and yet we have just gone through over two weeks of an outage that I couldn’t prioritize finding the time to fix. And we were just starting…

Feel Good Friday 102921/110521

Before we dig in, my very first in-person art show starts tomorrow!! Click here for some of the work, and more details on the studio tour/art crawl. Not even apologizing anymore for my erratic gratitude post schedule. I am so grateful for who I am. For who I’ve chosen to have in my life. For…