you are my celebrity

Tag: gratitude list feel goods

Fo Real Feel Good Friday 052722

A long weekend stretches before us, with boats and lakehouses and pool parties looming like the Texas sun—that is, coming in hot and slightly terrifying with its intensity. I was so excited. But today is just not a good day. Nali isn’t doing well. I’m not doing well. I spent the morning cleaning up poop…

Flight Change | Feel Good Friday 032522

Lil Nali gave us quite a scare, so much so that I flew home early from a work conference and spent a bunch of hours in her closet, so many, in fact, that I’m pretty sure I annoyed her and she got up and left her own safe space … whoops. I’m grateful it was…

Game On! | Feel Good Friday 120321 lol 121021

My original post was around this idea that the games are all on but truthfully that here only sort of on… GAME ON with this website! And dailyhap and lyssart and except not bc we’re still in WSOD purgatory and writing this FGF gratitude list on my phone.GAME ON with capture the flag except…

Site’s Down | Feel Good Sunday 112121

Y’all. It has been a minute. This here blog has been up for close to 14 years, since 12/27/07. It has never been down for more than hour, and yet we have just gone through over two weeks of an outage that I couldn’t prioritize finding the time to fix. And we were just starting…

Sleep | Feel Good Friday 100821

That is, I would be grateful for it if I had it. This week has been insane, incredible, intense. Emotional to say the least. And as I turned to my yoga—where I completely lost my shit on the mat one day which I suppose is as good a place as any to lose your mind…

Chicago | Feel Good Friday 092421

This was my third trip to Chicago, but the first where I felt like I really got to wander and get the vibe of the city so many people love. And I get it, Chi-lovers: the city is sporty, authentic, energetic without being frenetic, outdoorsy, inventive, and just nice. We stayed in the Gold Coast…

Priorities | Feel Good Who-Knows-What-Day 091421

The FGF post for last week and the week before that, that I missed, was originally titled ‘Colombia’, so retitling this one is easy … my week in Colombia was fantastic, gorgeous, hilarious, and unexpectedly a catalyst for many things. Alongside incredible views, friendly people, and (not enough) delicious food, I discovered more about what…

Always On | Feel Good Friday 082721

I hit a breaking point today and thank god for yin yoga at BFree. I’m ambitious and a high performer, a leader and someone who can thrive under pressure. But those characteristics are when I am in a state of on. I am truly, deeply an introvert. I need time by myself, I need time…