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Tag: grass-fed

Stronger Faster Healthier + Discount!!

No, literally:  You can get Stronger, Faster, and Healthier with the goodies from this company. They’re perhaps most famous for their fish oil (@SFHfishoil is, after all, their company twitter handle), but that’s not why I quite literally became obsessed with Stronger Faster Healthier. No, it’s their grass-fed whey protein that first attracted me, and the…

Austin: Buenos Aires Cafe

Oops. I ate my whole dinner before I could take a pic! I have a foodie friend who has been RAVING about Buenos Aires Cafe for months, admonishing me with disbelief that I haven’t visited. I went for lunch a little while ago, and finally rounded up the fam, grabbed my discount certificate, and…

Austin: Free P. Terry’s Shirt!

Burgers: free-range, grass-fed, delicious Veggie-burgers: veggie, delicious Best: a mixed double with 1 meat patty and 1 veggie patty, wrapped in lettuce Their 5th birthday is tomorrow, so starting at 10:30am they are giving away 1,000 free tees!! Get ’em while they’re hot, and grab a mixed double while you’re at it. 😀