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Tag: golf

Feel Good Friday 082214

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! Trip to Austin for family time and my dad’s introduction of Ichikan Aikido…

Golf Fashion Show or Achachay! at Red Eyed Fly?

Though I have long professed to hate golf, the last time I went to the driving range I’ll admit to having a lot of fun. For ladies who like to hit the links, Golfsmith is having its second Women’s Night tonight featuring a women-only shopping experience. The Arboretum store will have a fashion show, wine,…

Polish Horseshoes

While camping this past weekend, a friend from Vermont introduced us to a game he calls Polish Horseshoes. A google search revealed that “polish horseshoes” apparently has something to do with washers … which are cool and all, but not an awesome new game I wanted to share with y’all. For lack of a better…