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Tag: generation

The Friends-As-Family Generation

Subhead: Making Friends in Anywhere. I’m constantly amazed at the number of thoughtful comments a post I wrote three years ago still receives. The topic: Making Friends in Austin. Turns out, while it can vary by location and number of young professionals, young singles, so on, making friends anywhere is a challenge. I’ve written in countless…

Aspen: Politickin’

For being such a lil town, Aspen sure is big into politics. And I don’t just mean the who-has-the-best-seats-at-the-Wheeler kind. The coolest thing, despite how you feel about any given candidate, is that Aspen’s political activism is not limited to the over-30, house-owning, property-tax paying set; the youngsters of Aspen are just as involved as…

And this is our generation

So apparently I have nothing to tell you guys as far as events this week, so I’ll post this hilarious email forward I got … UPDATE! These are the “All-Time Best” from the site, meaning they represent the collective wisdom of our generation. Check it out here. Some Random Thoughts of the Day that…