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Tag: games


I try not to write about things in advance, because when I read about cool things too far in advance, I say, “oh, that’s cool, I want to do it” and promptly forget about it. BUT there are some exceptions: when you have to buy a ticket/race entry, or when I’m super-excited about something, or…

Watch the VP Debates!

I can’t remember the last time I heard so much buzz about Vice Presidential candidates debating … or really about them debating at all … most people haven’t cared that much. But this is a different year and a different type of election, so here are two places to watch the debates (if you’re not…

Ultimate Frisbee

My brother says that I need to post on more topics, like ultimate frisbee. While his point is that he’d like to see a wider range of coverage, I’m not sure that’s what this is about. Since I’m not an ultimate frisbee afficionado, I don’t KNOW about ultimate frisbee in Austin. I’d happily play, but…

Networking: The Outlaw List + Mashable

So I went to an Acton MBA luncheon Friday (the entrenpreneurial MBA, they say), and I met some cool people, one of whom runs a list for young professionals called The Outlaw List. His last name is seriously Outlaw–how cool is that? Anyway, the list is all about networking–apparently Mr. Outlaw himself is a networker…

Beer Die

Not as deadly as it look, beer die is actually a drinking game played with a die. The rules from vary a little bit from the way my friends played on Sunday night (Monday was Memorial Day, after all), but the principle is the same. Warning: they say it’s a man’s game, and while…

Polish Horseshoes

While camping this past weekend, a friend from Vermont introduced us to a game he calls Polish Horseshoes. A google search revealed that “polish horseshoes” apparently has something to do with washers … which are cool and all, but not an awesome new game I wanted to share with y’all. For lack of a better…