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Tag: game

Free Beer Fests Saturday + a workout

TONS of stuff going on this Saturday. So much that I can’t even remember what to blog about. Well, to be honest, there are the only a few things I might be doing anyway (and don’t be fooled, I won’t be doing ALL of these): Saturday morning: Try Crossfit Women’s Workout Crossfit is all the…

Watch the VP Debates!

I can’t remember the last time I heard so much buzz about Vice Presidential candidates debating … or really about them debating at all … most people haven’t cared that much. But this is a different year and a different type of election, so here are two places to watch the debates (if you’re not…

Hot Mama’s Room to Read

I’ve been partial to Hot Mama’s Espresso Bar ever since I wandered in one day to be greeted by an infectiously cheerful voice saying, “Hey there, hot mama!” without a hint of anything except genuine affection. I was sold. Then the coffee was great AND I got a Tacodeli breakfast taco … life is great.…

Ultimate Frisbee

My brother says that I need to post on more topics, like ultimate frisbee. While his point is that he’d like to see a wider range of coverage, I’m not sure that’s what this is about. Since I’m not an ultimate frisbee afficionado, I don’t KNOW about ultimate frisbee in Austin. I’d happily play, but…

Beer Die

Not as deadly as it look, beer die is actually a drinking game played with a die. The rules from vary a little bit from the way my friends played on Sunday night (Monday was Memorial Day, after all), but the principle is the same. Warning: they say it’s a man’s game, and while…

Polish Horseshoes

While camping this past weekend, a friend from Vermont introduced us to a game he calls Polish Horseshoes. A google search revealed that “polish horseshoes” apparently has something to do with washers … which are cool and all, but not an awesome new game I wanted to share with y’all. For lack of a better…