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Tag: foods

Austin: The Big List of Local Food!

GroACT recently released their list of the top “Truly Local Restaurants” from a survey they sent out (so take into account that restaurants not returning the survey aren’t counted etc.) A lot of my old faves are on the list, and there are plenty of newbies for me to try! TOP TEN WINNERS Odd Duck Farm…

More on Turmeric’s Benefits

It’s all the rage these days! After my post on spices last week, I posed a question about how in the world to use turmeric. So obviously I was thrilled to see that Mark Sisson at Mark’s Daily Apple devoted a whole post today to the health benefits of turmeric! Lisa assured me that turmeric…

My Fit Foods to Austin

Just minutes after a grueling Fight Gone Bad session, I could barely think about eating, much less actively putting a gluten-free, 93% lean ground turkey taco with low fat cheese into my mouth. But when my very favorite spectator insisted we try them, I got one, and told him “I don’t think I can eat…

Earth Day!

In an effort to prep you for Earth Day tomorrow (Wednesday), here’s a rundown of the places that are offering giveaways, celebrations, and a free workout: H-E-B or Central Market: Swap five plastic bags for a reusable one at any H-E-B or Central Market. H-E-B says it aims to bring in 1.5 million plastic bags…

Whole Foods is where it’s at on Wednesday

Forget bars and clubs with their djs and ipods and take it back to the old school at Whole Foods downtown this Wednesday night. First, hit the upper deck for a free Hip Hop Yoga workout sponsored by lululemon and taught by Meg from Kula Yoga. 6:30-7:30pm Then, head downstairs to get in your singles…

lululemon offers Free Fitness

Weird Wednesdays are back at lululemon, starting this afternoon with Brooke’s Bootcamp on top of Whole Foods from 6:30-7:30pm. Don’t know what Brooke’s Bootcamp entails, but sounds fun, and who wouldn’t want to hit the WF salad bar afterward? Today also marks the first day you can shop lululemon online, so all you online-shopping-addicts (erm,…

SXSW 2009: Monday’s schedule

Here’s your can’t-miss sched, and luckily for all the worker bees, nothing on this one starts ’til 5:30. So you can punch the clock AND party like it’s SXSW 2009 all in one day. 5:30pm – If you were lucky enough to score an invite to the Statesman’s food bloggers party, do it. Whole Foods.…

Friday Urban Cowboy

What’s better than a free happy hour downtown? Um, nothing. urbanspace announces the opening of their new downtown office at the Monarch. Celebrate with food from Whole Foods, spirits from Paula’s Texas Orange, and other goodies. 6:30-9:30pm, rsvp: 801 w. 5th street

More Valentine’s Day Fun

Remember how I suggested in my last Heart Day post that somewhere to go sans reservations would be Daily Juice or Whole Foods? Turns out Daily Juice is hosting a chocolate party and Whole Foods is hosting a Singles event–but that’s TONIGHT, Wednesday, so you’re probably still safe to head there Saturday night. Whole Foods…