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Tag: fitness

Riding that Riding Train … what? On spinning.

Why is it that when lifters want to get lean or even just skinny, they start spinning? Cardio? But what specifically about spinning makes it better cardio than anything else? I don’t know. But will tell you that I. Hate. Spin. But I have been going consistently, and, well, it works. If you wanna be…

Graced By Football

It’s fall football season. Fantasy teams have been drafted. Preseason games are almost done being played. And beach flag football season (Beach City Sports) commences in two weeks. Football has brought immeasurable friends, fun, love, and family into my life. I am Graced by Football (in Graced by Grit’s Delicious Tank in royal, which is…

Hardest Classes in OC

I had SO much fun “researching” the hardest workout classes in Orange County. Y’all know I love to lift hard and heavy, do yoga, and play lots of sports, so trying more classes definitely got me out of my routine. Trouble is, I want to figure out how to add them all INTO my routine!…

Snag Some of My Fave Workout Clothes—But at 50% Off

I cannot figure out how to make that headline seem less spammy. But here’s the truth: despite my well-documented tumultuous relationship with workout brand Ellie (here, here, here), the actual clothes remain standbys in my rotation. I’ve even given pieces as gifts (Go With the Flow), and there are still pieces I covet but haven’t ordered. They…

You Betta Work

Gainzzzzz are exciting. Not every day in the gym is exciting, or even a good day. And this coming from someone who loves the gym. The boring days are important too. Boring like this photo.

All White Errrrrythang

When you spend much of your life in the gym aka consuming protein shakes, you gotta get it right. You’re already using SFH grassfed whey (10% off with code ‘lifein’ which basically = free shipping), but your shake needs might be becoming unwieldy. I recently bought the genius ProStak BlenderBottle from SFH (here, $14) and…

Gainzzzz (or, Thanks Power Athlete HQ!)

If progress motivates … I am at full motivation. About 2.5 months ago, I started working out at a “regular gym” (ie, not a CrossFit gym), following Power Athlete’s CrossFit Football Amateur programming pretty closely (my roommate is CFFB/Power Athlete staff and amazing at life/lifting, so this is helpful). The main reasons: I want to…

Nike (or, Marketing Works!)

Nike launched its first store + studio in the US at Fashion Island today, and I got to visit for a media preview, where I was given gear to wear during my media workout—and take home (who wants my sweaty used clothes? nobody). I wrote about the store and studio for Orange Coast mag, click here…