you are my celebrity

Tag: feel good gratitude

Deliver Allll the Things! | Feel Good Friday 010721

Whew how ’bout that vulnerability yesterday, huh? Yikes. Positive feedback though, and I’m glad I posted it, even if it elevated my anxiety level. Lattes à la dada … literally this is the greatest thing to come out of my achilles tear surgery. My father delivers a delicious raw milk latte to me every. single.…

Grace, or is it Patience? | Feel Good Friday 060421

It was but a short week, yet this week has brought me so. many. many. opportunities to practice grace. Yes, you can laugh. But it has! Grace for others, for a situation, for a frustration point … all of which translate back to me, obviously. Grace to myself for how I’m handling something, what it’s…

Feel Good Friday 032114

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! Puerto Rico … four days of doing a whole lotta nothing is great…