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Tag: equalist

Dammit I Have to Be Feminist Today | Checklist 56

Or, equalist. But either way, what the actual eff is going on with these stories? There are so many women with so many un-funded entrepreneurial ideas (2.8% of VC funding goes to women). AND YET: A pink tampon removal glove got 30,000 euros. These women-in-tech stories are still happening. “Fixing Bias, Not Women”. OMG. Goodbye…

Obviously, Feminist Today—Equalist, That Is

This isn’t about women. It’s about power. That men hold. Feminism isn’t about females, it’s about equality. So much of today’s senate hearings—which are senate hearings, not court trials (though they obviously will affect future trials)—focus on the accuser, not the accused. She is not nominated for the supreme court, her alleged attacker is. The…