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Tag: Doc’s

Free food & beer!

AUSTIN SSC CHRISTMAS PARTY WITH FREE FOOD & BEER! I almost forgot to post this! Hurry, go check out the SSC Christmas party! It’s 6-8pm TONIGHT. Celebrate a great year with the 3rd annual Christmas party to benefit the Austin Sunshine Camps. SSC is providing wings & beer, and only ask for a small gift…

Sports Wednesday + Kanye!

Tonight is Kanye West’s Glow in The Dark Tour with Rhianna concert at the Erwin Center, and if I weren’t so committed to playing sand volleyball, I’d go. Ok, ok, if I had bought the $70 tickets right when they came out, I’d go, but since that’s not the case, I will be playing sand…

Monday March Madness

Except that it’s actually April. Tonight is still the championship game in college basketball, and with a Big 12 team in the final–Kansas–against a southern team–Memphis–and the game being played locally–San Antonio–I’m guessing tonight will be a busy night in the sports bars. Strangely enough, downtown/warehouse district sports bar Ringers abruptly closed its doors last…