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Tag: deadlift

“I deadlift all the time. But lighter.”

I can’t make this kind of thing up. You can also imagine how livid I was when this gym gem occurred recently at the Aspen Club, but I will try to maintain the humorous approach … I’m working on deficit deadlifts at 245#. Even if you don’t know what that means, just know that is me…

Compliment or Insult: Where’s the Bigger Weight?

Welcome to this edition of my very favorite gym game, Compliment or Insult. Scene: Aspen Club Strength Workout: 3-3-3 Deadlift, with the 3rd lift at 245# Man: staring at me from the cardio deck above the weightroom floor. Possibly from a treadmill. Burn Workout: 5 Rounds: 5 DL @ 115# / 10 pushups Man: “Where’s…

Ski CrossFit

CrossFit is awesome preparation for skiing. I hit the slopes for only my third time ever with my highly-advanced, born-on-skis That Ripped Guy of Mine(TM) coaching me and I was tearing down the mountain by the end of the day. Ok, well, turning up the greens. But still. My turn mantra went something like this:…