you are my celebrity

Tag: crafts

Write-On! Entryway piece

Dumpster rescue. The perfect skinny entryway piece, with drawers. A repository for keys, dog treats and poop bags, purses, with bins for backpacks and shopping bags underneath. I found it outside my new apartment almost a year ago, and it took me about 7 months to get around to redoing it, but boy was I…

Feel Good Friday 070612

Feel Good Friday is a roundup of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! BBQ that turned into all-night adventure … when your friends wear outfits like this and hang out in art galleries until way past bars…

SXSW 2009 – Friday’s Schedule

The biggest two days of your partying life are here. Behold: the Friday of SXSW. Last year, I remember simply giving up on the spreadsheet and wandering the streets, knowing that free food and drinks were available at almost every bar I walked into. But! Don’t give up just yet, because there are some can’t-miss…

Your Lucky Day: SXSW This, my friends, is all you need for SXSW. It is a spreadsheet of the best parties. The criteria: -Free -Free booze / food / cool stuff There are a million and a half lists out there with free parties. Most focus on music. This is not what I care about. I care about…