you are my celebrity

Tag: conditioning

Fight (Football/Skiier) Gone Bad

Fight Gone Bad is a legendary CrossFit workout that mimics a fight. It looks like this: In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. There are three rounds. The stations are: Wall-ball: 20 pound ball (14#…


Holy soccer, batman. Besides dabbling in intramural soccer on a grassy field not regulation size, I haven’t played soccer since I was 4. And I hated it. (I also hated my bowl hair cut, but I could only get out of one) Chase after the ball? Please, it should come to me. I digress. Point…

FREE Crossfit Workouts

So I’m running around Town Lake last night and stumble upon one of my closest friends supervising a Crossfit workout … what?! Oh, you mean I should have read the email I got from you? … Anyway, point is: more free Crossfit workouts–yay! I’ve tried to explain Crossfit before and never been able to. I…