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Tag: clothes

Goodbye, Ellie

It has come time to bid adieu to the subscription workout clothes service I have been with through many iterations. In my most recent post about Ellie, I compared the relationship to a love affair. Well, the ups-and-downs of the love affair are too much and she has become the addiction I know I need…

Feel Good Friday 110813

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! Closet cleaning! Swapped summer and winter clothes and have 5 bags of giveaway…

Super (Cheap) Workout Clothes!

***Some people are having issues with the discount code. If the landing page the links take you to doesn’t have your 20% coupon, it’s NOT working. Try typing in the URL, for some reason this is helping??*** I am too excited about this new, awesome service that sends you cheap workout clothes but of…

Feel Good Friday 121611

Feel Good Friday is a roundup of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments! The comment section for last week’s Feel Good Friday blew. me. away. I freakin’ love you guys. This. Effing. Closet. Seriously, how amazing is…

Austin: What to Wear to ACL

It’s upon us! Dresses: Make sure they’re colorful and floaty, as you are going to sweat. Pair with straw hats and sandals. Shorts + tanks: Lots of people wear jorts, I prefer softer, looser fabrics to decrease and conceal sweat. Pair with a minimalist tank in a non-sweat-showing color (black, white, some tans), a floppy hat…

Summer Skirts

After spending much of the summer in nothing but workout clothes, a couple of recent business trips—to inherently casual places—forced me to reconsider my closet. Where are my summer casual-but-put-together staples? I needed the equivalent of my winter lulu leggings + tunic top that is comfy yet cute. So my quest began. Behold the fruits…

Summer Tank Tops

Over at, I posted a roundup of summer fitness tanks I just have to have, which got me started thinking … pretty much all I wear all summer is tanks. Fitness or fancy, top or dress, I love tanks! So here’s a fab summer roundup of classic racerback tanks (including my fitness faves). Make…

Sun’s Out Guns Out: 4 Tanks You Need

As it’s officially summer, sun’s out guns out! Four tanks you must have: I have not stopped wearing this since I got it … literally. REALLY flattering cut, great design, love the company (Stronger Faster Healthier), enter promo code lifein for 10% off! $20, I LOVE these inspirational tees with the slogan written backward so you can…

Review: Fila Body Toning System Toning Resistance Pant

I promised this review awhile ago but totally forgot! After my adventures wearing them for 14 hours in the airport, I remembered. 🙂 Originally posted at, where I also explore if toning clothes are help or hype (hint: you know the answer, but it can’t hurt to wear them). With the proliferation of toning…