you are my celebrity

Tag: circus

El Circo

On Wednesdays, I go play pickup sand volleyball at Krieg field. Coming up on the giant softball complex, hot pink and purple tents stuck our from the center. Right next to the volleyball courts. Curious, I drove on, hoping my weekly game wouldn’t be cancelled. It wasn’t, but my interested was piqued by the shiny…

Britney Is Back. In Houston. And Dallas.

I feel like I’m an open book, but sometimes people say things like, “I NEVER would have guessed [x] about you!” That I LOVE BRITNEY SPEARS is one of those things. People, I stood by her when she popped out two kids, married K-Fed (I even LIKED K-Fed!), shaved her head, hit a papazo (isn’t…

Mansion of Terror: Danger Hellaphant

Last night, a team of us (okay, just me and two guys–gotta protect myself!) went to Mansion of Terror, the haunted house that’s billed as the scariest in Austin. And the #8 in the nation. Or the #1 by Lions Gate Films. Who knew film companies rated haunted houses? Anyway, it’s good. So good that…