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Tag: cigar

Yelp Open Party: Resolution Revolution

Man, I love Once again they’re hosting an open party with free drinks, food, and swag. Only this time the free drinks are Treaty Oak rum and some other vodka I’ve never heard of and FREE SUGAR MAMA’S CUPCAKES. I apologize for the screaming, but you know what Sugar Mama’s cupcakes do to me.…

Twin Liquors jumps on the Spec’s/Grapevine Bandwagon

Which isn’t a bad thing. Turn shopping for liquor/beer/wine into shopping for the aforementioned plus cheese/crackers/gourmet food/chocolate and you’ve got yourself a whole afternoon–especially if it’s Friday and samples abound (hi, me, tipsy at Spec’s). The new 15,000 square foot Twin Liquors Marketplace will be in the Hancock Center, just ripe for UT students. The…