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Tag: Chinese

Snow Pea Bento Box

I had a lovely day in my Brykerwoods neighborhood! I woke up and took a nice little jaunt with the pup to the Starbucks inside the Randall’s, where I bought a Venti Soymilk Sugar Free Cinnamon Dolce Latte (yes, I’m a pain) to enjoy while I worked on some articles. A few hours later, I…

Dr Pepper eats (drinks?) its words

In March, Dr Pepper said that it would give a free soda to everyone in America if the infamous Guns N’ Roses album “Chinese Democracy”–which began recording 1994–went on sale in 2008. The album drops this Sunday. “We never thought this day would come,” says Tony Jacobs, Dr Pepper’s vice president of marketing. “But now…

Here’s a Secret: Snow Pea

Amazingly delicious sushi. It won Best of Citysearch in 2006 for sushi and Chinese food, yet you never hear/read anyone talk about it. It’s on Jefferson right at 35th, so it’s pretty close to downtown, but it doesn’t get any of the hype Maiko/Kenichi/Uchi get. But it is SO GOOD. We went for Mom’s birthday…