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Tag: chemical free

Happy Makeup: Urban Decay

For lack of a better way to define my chemical-free, eco-friendly type makeup and skincare requirements that are absolutely flexible based on how my skin or face looks, let’s call it happy makeup. Like happy cows, chickens, and wild fishes—which are the only animals I will consume. It’s hard to find products that are chemical-free that…

Happy Summer! Wear Sunscreen. Wait, Should You?

I’ve long been an advocate of sunscreen, and I don’t leave the house without SPF 28+ on my face. BUT. I only use sunscreen containing physical blockers, so I’m not putting chemicals onto my skin. I try very hard to stay out of the sun between 11am-2pm, when it is strongest. I usually wear a…

Cosmetics 27, My New Favorite Skincare Regimen (or, why I sometimes wish I was still a beauty editor)

Super moisturizing. Solid. Silky. Undeniably luxe. Chemical-free Cosmetic 27 skincare line is undeniably amazing and so very French. Cosmetics 27 dispenses with the notion of complicated skincare and focuses on a simple two-or-three-step regenerating skincare regimen: Cleanser 27 + Essence 27 (+Baume 27, if you like) and maybe Eyes27 (I didn’t try it). On the website they have…