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Tag: biodegradable

Swipe Biodegradable Deodorant Wipes

I guess a mini-deodorant isn’t that heavy. But in backpacking, weight is everything. Swipe contacted me just a few days before my recent backpacking trip offering a sample, so I gladly opted in. After all, a few packets of wipe-able deodorant are way lighter than the lighted deodorant stick. Plus, they’re biodegradable, so I don’t even…

Kiddo Gift You Might Just Want Too: Cuppies!

When we went to see my favorite baby child cousin recently, I knew I couldn’t go empty-handed. So I turned to a friend who knows this sort of thing, and she assures me that CUPPIES are THE hot gift (along with Aden + Anais swaddles* for the new, actual, baby) right now. That sweet Kaia seems to…

Aspen: July 4th Eco Music Festival

The Eco Music Festival takes over the entire Snowmass ski resort Fourth of July weekend (June 30-July 3) to showcase some of the most vibrant musical acts and corporate eco-trendsetters of this generation. Mountainside concerts, guided hiking tours, an Innovation Village, and poolside cocktails make up a festival designed for positive impact for both festival…