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Tag: biking

Shopping Research List: Commuter Bike

I’ve had ridiculously bad bike luck of late. I’m sure y’all remember Snaccident 2014, in which I crashed my (mom’s) red Gary Fisher into a parked car due to snacking while biking, ripping open my knee and busting their headlight. Cool. So to replace said red Gary Fisher, I headed to Surf City Cyclery, and…

Biking! | Feel Good Friday 101416

I got to bike to work yesterday, and home from work today! I’ve been wanting to do this for months, but the motivation has been low, because who wants to get up earlier to bike to work? But hello, worth it. Views!   Plus it’s easy to get from the Peninsula to Irvine on a…

My Little Life | Feel Good Friday 022715

In my little life, I can walk to the beach, across the street. I can walk to a corner store for something I forgot or a hungover house guest might need, or to one of three excellent restaurants when I’m hungry (Eat Chow ANYtime, Cucina Alessa for fancy, and where would I be without Cappy’s…

Feel Good Friday 121914

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week! Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments… Girls. Football. Tournament. So much fun. So much underdogs. So much soreness the…

Baby’s First Stitches

Avoid distracted commuting. (See more at I learned a lot of things on Sunday. I crashed my bike into a parked car (in the bike lane, to be fair) while trying to grab crumbles of homemade protein bar out of the above plastic baggy. The car suffered only a broken taillight. I suffered only a deep…

Best. Dog. Ever.

Denali and I have a biking routine that wears her out quick for days when I’m not going to be home as much to take her out. She loves the Roaring Fork River beach more than anything, except Wild Alaskan Salmon treats from Costco. And me.     Best dog ever.

Yes, you CAN check your assembled bike

Check out this bad boy: I rolled up to the Austin airport with a fully-assembled bike. It’s my mom’s Gary Fisher Nirvana circa at least 7 years ago and while she put up quite the fight saying she MIGHT ride it SOMEDAY, I eventually convinced her to relent with tales of how CONVENIENT it would…

Biking + volleyball

Holy cow I never knew biking was so hard. I mean, I used to ride my bike for hours on end as a kid, we’d ride from my house to my best friend’s house to the convenience store for snacks to the library to somewhere to create trouble … but I didn’t wear padded bike…