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Tag: bike

Shopping Research List: Commuter Bike

I’ve had ridiculously bad bike luck of late. I’m sure y’all remember Snaccident 2014, in which I crashed my (mom’s) red Gary Fisher into a parked car due to snacking while biking, ripping open my knee and busting their headlight. Cool. So to replace said red Gary Fisher, I headed to Surf City Cyclery, and…

Feel Good Friday 112114

Feel Good Friday is a gratitude list I write each week to express my appreciation for all of the things that made me feel good or that I’m grateful for all week. Join me and leave your Feel Goods in the comments… NEW BIKE!!!! I got wheels again!! VB with friends Great positive feedback on this…

Baby’s First Stitches

Avoid distracted commuting. (See more at I learned a lot of things on Sunday. I crashed my bike into a parked car (in the bike lane, to be fair) while trying to grab crumbles of homemade protein bar out of the above plastic baggy. The car suffered only a broken taillight. I suffered only a deep…

Yes, you CAN check your assembled bike

Check out this bad boy: I rolled up to the Austin airport with a fully-assembled bike. It’s my mom’s Gary Fisher Nirvana circa at least 7 years ago and while she put up quite the fight saying she MIGHT ride it SOMEDAY, I eventually convinced her to relent with tales of how CONVENIENT it would…

Aspen: Lance’s Bike Classic September 26

Like me, the man in the yellow jersey calls both Aspen and Austin home. While Austin may hold his Mellow Johnny’s and Juan Pelota establishments, Aspen is now home to his Wapiyapi Classic, a 25-mile or 50-mile bike race with a $200 fundraising requirement. What’s a Wapiyapi? Wapiyapi is the Lakota Sioux word for “healing”.…

Friday Night Bikes (& Guinness)

Ride your bike to Mellow Johnny’s, pay $10, and be rewarded with apps, wine, and watching Lance peddle in Cali. I didn’t like the shop the one time I went, but now that I know the Juan Pelota joke, I can’t help but promote anything to do with it. Ends just in time to peddle…

Makers and Wakers and Fat Tires, oh my!

So it’s a big weekend, like you didn’t know (um, hello Texas vs. Missouri). But in case you missed the, well, boat on three majorly huge weekend-long events, here’s a rundown: Maker Faire – Saturday & Sunday So the Maker Faire expo thingy is a big crafty, makery, nerdy, trendy, roboty shindig. At the Travis…


I’ve been mulling over buying a scooter. We all know I’ve tried to be eco-friendly, but the biking was more funny that practical. Plus, for a fashionable gal, it’s just not practical in the summer heat–I can’t show up everywhere with helmet-hair and sweat stains! Perhaps a Vespa would keep me cooler …  But alas,…

Huge Weekend

I’m exhausting just thinking about this weekend, and it hasn’t even started yet! Apparently Austin does Labor Day big. The highlight: Sunday night’s Nike Human Race. 6:30pm, a million people across the world will be running a 10K. In Austin, our course is a tough one–lots of hills–but pretty, through downtown, campus, the capitol area.…