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Tag: bicycle

Just Your Average Newport Weekend | Feel Good Friday 090817

You know what’s freakin’ awesome? When your “average” weekend includes a dress-up pub crawl (celebrating your birthday), at least five gallons of rosé, a random post-ocean-dip bike gang (beach cruisers natch) meetup that leads to an epic patio hang and ridiculous night out, brunch at Woody’s with bottomless mimosas (shhhh twice but don’t tell anyone, it…

Shopping Research List: Commuter Bike

I’ve had ridiculously bad bike luck of late. I’m sure y’all remember Snaccident 2014, in which I crashed my (mom’s) red Gary Fisher into a parked car due to snacking while biking, ripping open my knee and busting their headlight. Cool. So to replace said red Gary Fisher, I headed to Surf City Cyclery, and…

Makers and Wakers and Fat Tires, oh my!

So it’s a big weekend, like you didn’t know (um, hello Texas vs. Missouri). But in case you missed the, well, boat on three majorly huge weekend-long events, here’s a rundown: Maker Faire – Saturday & Sunday So the Maker Faire expo thingy is a big crafty, makery, nerdy, trendy, roboty shindig. At the Travis…

Huge Weekend

I’m exhausting just thinking about this weekend, and it hasn’t even started yet! Apparently Austin does Labor Day big. The highlight: Sunday night’s Nike Human Race. 6:30pm, a million people across the world will be running a 10K. In Austin, our course is a tough one–lots of hills–but pretty, through downtown, campus, the capitol area.…

Bike to Work Day

Friday is Bike (or Walk) to Work Day! As a freelance writer, I work out of my home office. And my brother stole my bike anyway. But if I had an office outside of my house OR a bike OR both, I would definitely be biking to work tomorrow. In honor of Bike to Work…