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Tag: bad

Free Therapy: Good/Bad

This is what it’s like to be a psychotherapists’ kid. Today was a bad day. Not terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day, but a slightly bad day. Like no rainbows. None of these bad things are that bad. But if they make me grouchy, and they do, then I get to consider them bad, even if…

Effing Gluten and Sugar

We ALL know not to eat that junk, right? I’m pretty good about it–particularly the gluten, less so the sugar. But yesterday was my birthday. And That Ripped Guy of Mine(TM) was going to make me an almond flour cake but ran out of time, so after a sunset picnic atop Aspen Mountain (awwwwww!), he…

Fight (Football/Skiier) Gone Bad

Fight Gone Bad is a legendary CrossFit workout that mimics a fight. It looks like this: In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. There are three rounds. The stations are: Wall-ball: 20 pound ball (14#…

Oil … what to use?

I recently got my mom off the canola oil but couldn’t articulately tell her why–though I did a good enough job to convince her 🙂 Today, she forwards me an article from Bottom Line Daily Health News, one of a few newsletters I recommend you read (more listed at the end of this article), with…


Yes, this is a chip made of beans. And rice. Complete protein? Check it out for yourself at the Beanitos Launch Party: Tuesday, January 5 at 11am at the Long Center. Corn-chip-eating cow, WWF-inspired corn stalk versus bean wrestling match, and “kick the corn” football game are just a few of the all-ages activities. Plus…

Free Crossfit Workout + Crossfit Austin’s Benefit

CrossFit Austin: Grand Opening WOD and Brittany Tuck Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser From the guys: Come out and help us celebrate this exciting step for Crossfit Austin! The festivities will include free BBQ, drinks (beer, water, soda, etc.), and plenty of other fun. For those who are interested, we’re having a Crossfit-Style WOD (workout-of-the-day) Competition. The…