you are my celebrity

Tag: achilles surgery

s i x m o n t h s

It’s been six months my achilles repair surgery of a complete rupture. I’m exceptionally grateful to my surgeon Dr. Andreo and my incredible PT team at Mondo Sports Therapy, Katie and Justin are the absolute best. I’m running sprints at 90% bodyweight (on an alter-g treadmill), jumping laterally onto and off of a 20″ box,…

Deliver Allll the Things! | Feel Good Friday 010721

Whew how ’bout that vulnerability yesterday, huh? Yikes. Positive feedback though, and I’m glad I posted it, even if it elevated my anxiety level. Lattes à la dada … literally this is the greatest thing to come out of my achilles tear surgery. My father delivers a delicious raw milk latte to me every. single.…