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Tag: 2009

ACL Afterparties

But Lyssa, I thought couldn’t handle ACL? According to last year’s ACL post, where, BTW, I share some tips to live by ifidosaysomyself, I have retired from ACL. But friends, as evidenced by my frantic tweeting to score a 3-day pass (done! love you, twitter), I am back on the wagon. I am a journalist,…

SXSW 2009: Saturday’s Schedule

I’m in Houston for Beer Bike, our biggest, weirdest event where people start boozing at 6am. But here I am at a Keggs ‘n Eggs party, making sure the good people in Austin know what to do today. I would recommend a Venti Starbucks coffee with whisky, but that’s just me. Anyway, the top 5…

SXSW 2009 – Friday’s Schedule

The biggest two days of your partying life are here. Behold: the Friday of SXSW. Last year, I remember simply giving up on the spreadsheet and wandering the streets, knowing that free food and drinks were available at almost every bar I walked into. But! Don’t give up just yet, because there are some can’t-miss…

SXSW 2009: Thursday’s Schedule

This is the final “calm” before the storm that is Friday & Saturday. And by calm I mean over 80 FREE parties. Right. So, my top 5 today: 1. Paste Magazine, obvi. Still lovin’ the Magic Hat. Brooklyn Vegan co-sponsors this one. 11:30-7, Radio Room 2. All That Sparkles – Glitter party? Noon-8pm, Malverde (mmm…

SXSW 2009: What to Do Wednesday

Today is the first BIG day of day parties, so cube-dwellers can read along jealously for all the fun everyone else will be enjoying: There are two big day parties, two day parties that will be running all week, and one evening-ish boat party that I recommend today: 1) MAGIC HAT BEER PARTY! Oh, I…

Your Lucky Day: SXSW This, my friends, is all you need for SXSW. It is a spreadsheet of the best parties. The criteria: -Free -Free booze / food / cool stuff There are a million and a half lists out there with free parties. Most focus on music. This is not what I care about. I care about…

Oscar Fashion = the fishtail is in

Fishtail? When a dress is a tight column until it poofs out at the bottom, it’s a fishtail. Also called a mermaid. Because, well, mermaids are women with fishtails. Last night’s Oscars, which were marked by the fishtail, a number of red, white, and black gowns (white?!), some shimmery gowns, and a lot of updos…

Let’s talk accessories …

Since life has apparently shut down excepting New Year’s Eve promotions, I have to find something else to blog about. So I’m thinking about accessories. Mainly because I a) don’t have any to go with my stunning vintage dress that I will wear on said NYE, and b) I’m thinking of cute things to get…

First Night

I have an existing post with things to do on New Year’s Eve, but after reading this article on First Night, I had to give it its own post. Click here to read. Basically, the giant 32-foot wooden clock tower on Auditorium Shores is for you to pin your resolutions to, and then after fireworks…