you are my celebrity

Category: Happy

Life in … Retrospective | A Gratitude Post

2020 was hard for me in ways completely unrelated to the global pandemic we all faced. In fact, if anything the pandemic helped me—gave me space and time to process the traumas in my life that came with the first two months of 2020. The first trauma was a dramatic shift in my career; an…

Not-Fall Fall | Feel Good Friday 101620

It’s that ridiculous time of year in Austin where you WANT it to be fall and it’s just not … you might get some cool mornings, but then we’re back up in the high 90s in the middle of the day. Nonetheless, I’m making pumpkin centerpieces to keep it fall in my house, while updating…

I Love My Yard | Feel Good Friday 091820

Y’all, I think I forgot to mention my edger. I got an edger fo my birthday, marking two years in a row my parents have given me yard tools, and I could not be happier about it. This is an honest-to-god-edger, that rolls alongside the lawn and cuts deep. I love it. I love taking…

Won’t-Do Before 36 List Report Card

I published my won’t-do before 36 list last year before my birthday, and almost forgot about it—my 36th birthday is really sneaking up on me. I think I did a damn fine job of accomplishing everything on this list through some serious f*cking challenges, personal and global. Through a really traumatic job and subsequent job…

An Overnight to Fredericksburg

As a native Texan, I had some reservations about an overnight to Fredericksburg. But! I now wholly endorse the place because this was an amazing 24 hours filled with surprises. The intention was a holy-grail visit to French Connection Wines, a winery I’ve been stalking since they opened last September. The place is every bit…

Seeking Sunshine

I am suddenly having a yellow moment: I want everything I own to be yellow. Check out the citron I’m currently coveting (during covid*). Shop the items here. RIP to Hill City, aka men’s Athleta, which launched right before the pandemic so bad timing. 🙁 The entire site is 30% off, including the hoodie pictured…