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Tag: yoga pants

Revealing a Secret: Betabrand Yoga Pants

I kind of don’t want to tell anyone this secret. Because for 6 months I’ve essentially been wearing sweats to work, and I don’t really want anyone to know that. Because right now NO ONE KNOWS. So these pants are all the damn rave. Take $15 off your order of $75+ at I bought…

Straight From a Fella’s Mouth: Yoga Pants

Introducing a new sporadic series that cannot be planned (think: Compliment or Insult), entitled Straight From a Fella’s Mouth, where we reprint here some amazing gems of … wisdom/stupidity/hilarity straight from a fella’s mouth. The fella will remain anonymous, but all of female-kind will benefit. Male-kind, you will learn what not to say … On Yoga…