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Category: injuries

Stability | Feel Good Friday 102717

I’m casually sitting at my desk on a regular Tuesday in a regular outfit which is a below-knee-length skirt that’s slightly rubbing my wound from flag football a week a half prior, that’s a little gushy but healing alright, and a button-up top that’s sleeveless because it’s record hot outside although it’s freezing inside with…

Baby’s First Stitches

Avoid distracted commuting. (See more at I learned a lot of things on Sunday. I crashed my bike into a parked car (in the bike lane, to be fair) while trying to grab crumbles of homemade protein bar out of the above plastic baggy. The car suffered only a broken taillight. I suffered only a deep…


When I first moved to Aspen, I sort of stopped doing pullups. It wasn’t convenient to do them at my gym, in workouts, and I hadn’t yet discovered the most amazing pullup bar in all of Colorado. However, thanks to that discovery I am back on the pullup wagon, and made it my goal to…

Fix Your IT Band

I recently learned that the pain I’ve been having in my left knee (the one with the golf-ball sized bone spur from Oshgoodslaughter disease) is nothing more than a tight IT band. Well … “nothing more” might be an understatement … thankfully, here’s how to fix it. The great news? I’m already yoga-ing and close-squatting…

Sports Psychology

I’m a psychologists’ kid, I can’t help it. Here’s my confession: I tried to back out of competing in the Fittest Games. Veronica made me sign up, and I want to compete because it’s fun and I love a good challenge, but I’m worried. I’m worried because I still can’t do muscleups or handstand pushups.…

Ankle update

It is still sad. I need someone in Aspen to fix it! Where’s my Austin Sports Therapy Dr. Kyler in this ski town? I need ART, myofascial release, sports massage … somethin’!

Here’s My Ankle

Because I love injury photos … Bruises look so nice a few days after whatever happened, huh? I’m really mobile on the ankle, went for an hour and a half walk yesterday and felt great. Woke up sore this morning in the ankle, but nothing a little MSM and ibuprofen can’t handle. Laying off the…


I have a friend who is teeny tiny and not athletic, nor does she enjoy working out–but she has a rockin’ six pack. It’s genetics to some extent, sure, but she also watches her calories and walks for an hour a day. Every single day. I’m not giving up CrossFit (or my rock-hefting version of…

Battle Wounds

What is it about a bruise, or ripped hands, or a gnarly gash from an olympic bar or a slide in soccer that makes us so proud? If we didn’t actually “hurt” ourselves (spraining an ankle, breaking a finger), we’re proud of the minor injuries. This isn’t just CrossFitters or hardcore athletes, it’s anyone. It’s…