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Teeny Weeny Butt Bikinis

Hawaii has a way of making you wear less swimsuit.

It was there I bought my first bikini, as a 12-year-old, and I remember my mom saying “now remember, not everyone wears bikinis.” (She was wrong) (Times have changed)

On my most recent sojourn to the aloha state, teeny weeny butt bikinis were all the rage. My bestie Mara and I were already on a smaller-butt bikini kick, with me rocking a brazilian style and her ordering the itsys—which we thought was scandalous!—from Victoria’s Secret.

How little we knew.

We soon became obsessed with the San Lorenzos. Basically, thongs. Reversible, $85 swim thongs. Highly recommend tanning before wearing, otherwise you risk your friends calling you “watermelon rind” all day and laughing every time they walk behind you. Which is great entertainment, really.

Surprisingly, and honestly, if you have the confidence to wear a teeny weeny butt bikini, you will look awesome in it, no matter your butt shape*. It seems more fabric makes your butt look bigger and flatter, which is not what anyone wants. There is, however, a perfect shape, even in thong, for you, so try these the heck on.

And: the teeny weeny butt bikini is taking the states by storm, be ahead of the trend. / /

*There is probably an age limit to this, sorry mom. And Aunt Donnie. #itsnot30 #butitmightbe50

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