you are my celebrity

Tag: feel good list

Grace, or is it Patience? | Feel Good Friday 060421

It was but a short week, yet this week has brought me so. many. many. opportunities to practice grace. Yes, you can laugh. But it has! Grace for others, for a situation, for a frustration point … all of which translate back to me, obviously. Grace to myself for how I’m handling something, what it’s…

LIFE | Feel Good Friday 041621

I was interviewed on a podcast yesterday! It was my first time (not hosting). It was SO much fun. I LOVE MY TEAM so much. The past two days have been long, long workdays. I hurt my knee and was scared it was bad but kind of knew it wasn’t but was still scared because…

Hungover! | Feel Good Friday 012921

Today in yoga, my very favorite instructor said, “how are you today, Lyssa?!” “Hungover!” I said, and we giggled. Throughout class, she teased me, and I lost my balance more than usual, but I giggled every time. She said at one point, “at least you have joy!” What else could I have? Why was I…

Cozy | Feel Good Friday 111519

Pure & Simple Gratitude List Homemade (chef-made) chicken noodle soup NeilMed Sinus Rinse Impromptu rainy date night at Olive & June Caitlin‘s Thursday 8am yoga class (with a hint of pilates) at BFree A healing puppa VERY early Christmas decorating and my Aspen tree The cold weather! This frigid, bitter cold is making me so…