you are my celebrity

Happy Mother’s Day! (Speaking of People Reading This Blog…)


All amazing mamas! Aunt Lynnie, Aunt Donnie, and my mom.

To my #1 supporter… my fabulous mama. We know her pretty well here at this blog, but here are my top three most favorite NEW things about her:

  1. She has taken to ranting about my rants. Like, I will call her and say, “mom, I need to rant. This thing happened…” and before I know it, she has ranted for a solid 5-7 minutes about whatever I was ranting about. It’s hilarious. It shows you what a good listener she is, it shows you how much she cares, it shows you the passion she instilled in me.
  2. She still does not understand California weather. She doesn’t leave enough clothes here, even though she has her own closet in my guest room. She doesn’t ever pack the right layers. But dammit if that lady doesn’t arrive with the world’s tiniest carryon (I use the same one) and have outfits for dayz.
  3. She treats every trip to Newport Beach now as a yoga retreat. As in, yoga every day. As in, she has a membership here. And a mat. Now listen, I do a lot of yoga, so I support this in principle. But in practice, it means I have to do yoga every day, and outside of my normal days, and sometimes with instructors I don’t know or like. But it’s awesome all the same.

Various other reasons my mom is amazing: TAXES. Cleaning my latte machine. Daily phone calls. Constant analysis. Facilitator of “videos for Lyssie!!” from my family. Cheerleader. Outfit-picker. Decision-maker. Nali-walker.

Thank you, mama, for being the best mom in the whole wide world. I’m so lucky to get to spend so much time with you here in Newport, and I am so grateful for our relationship.

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