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Category: injuries

Staring Up the Stairs

Man I miss training in a group.The workout I made up for myself today would have been a really fun one if I had been with my training partners. Instead, it was me and Nali, and although she’s close to human, it’s just not the same. I was even wearing my CC shirt … sigh.…

Overtraining or Injured?

I was talking to my frequent training partner, who also happens to be a nurse and incredibly nutrition savvy, V, the other night, and she mentioned something I hadn’t keyed in on in my quest to understand what’s going on with me – I’ve been injured. The shoulder still hurts, a lot. I can’t do…

Lifting Light Things!!

CrossFitters love to Lift Heavy Things. But when you haven’t lifted anything in almost a month, lifting light things feels JUST AS GOOD. Yes, that’s right, I got to lift light things today!!! Everyone else did Khalipa #13: 3 Rounds: 15 hang power clean (women 95#) 15 burpees Me? 3 Rounds: 15 hang power clean…


Last night, Alex and I went for a run around Town Lake. It was an easy 4 miles, untimed. We wanted to hang out, and rather than get froyo or a drink, we decided to do it the healthy way (ok, so we didn’t actually talk and make this decision, it was more along the…

Let’s Make Up Some Stuff For You to Do

This is Mike’s new M.O. with my training: just combine some stuff and see what happens. Gimpy WOD: 5 x 5 16kg kettlebell step-ups WTF, right? First round was on 24″ box, then moved to 20″ box so that I could fully extend my single leg before bringing the other up. Who knew there was…

Lunge Circus

Gimpy WODs still suck. Today was my only two-a-day of this week (I think) and it was fine, I wasn’t tired or anything, but I’m TIRED of exclusively working my legs. Is this even good for me? Should I be yoga-ing instead? I can’t put my arm overhead with yoga either … Anyway, our warmup…

Two-a-days start now is the new website I’m working on, and it is absolutely awesome. The concept is awesome, the team is stellar, and the office is like a sorority house. For the month of April, we’re taking on the Endless Beauty Extreme Body Challenge, where we do Relentless Bootcamp coached by CrossFit Central’s Zach Thiel, a…

“Maybe it’s time we get you a helmet”

Let’s hope skiing is good prep for CrossFit, because I’ve clearly been doing more of the former even though I’m competing this weekend in the latter … I did my first black run yesterday on Mt. Hood, and YARD SALED: (this is not actually me, thanks google images) It was a narrow, narrow stretch of…

And then I knocked my tooth loose

I did the warmup (200 jumprope jumps, 500 M row, 20 back extensions, 20 GHD situps, 20 squats) and the pre-WOD workout (5 x 5 Renegade Rows, 2 rounds at 15# dumbells, 3 at 20# dumbells). I was going to take on the WOD with the rest of the class when I realized the two…